The Guiding force of Narayanashrama Tapovanam &
Center for Inner Resources Development

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha


Saturday, February 1, 2014

It’s time we reestablish Sanskrit

27 January 2014

[On the 3rd day of the Aatma Tattva Sameeksha Discourse Series
based on Ashtavakra Samhita in Thrissur, Kerala

It is our literary creations like Ashtavakra Samhita, that represent India’s culture more than any physical remnants in our country.
It is because the Vedas, Upanishads and allied scriptural compositions were composed in the scientific and refined Sanskrit language that we are still able to read and understand them with the same clarity, meaning and force, with which they were written ages ago. That is why Sanskrit is named Devanagari, something extraordinary and supraworldly!
All the sounds and words arising from the human mouth have been codified and sequentially arranged to form the string of alphabets in Sanskrit language. The manner of blending, like milk and water, the hard-soft, and soft-hard consonants in Sanskrit, is extraordinary and extremely interesting. Sanskrit language, which has been reigning for countless millennia without any mutilation or decay, is vibrantly alive even today.  To think of it as a dead language even in dream would only be sheer ignorance downgrading oneself.
Sanskrit was the official language in our country, years ago, just as in a way, Hindi and English are today. Sanskrit was the means of communication between the Kings and Rulers of the different regional cultures and languages in our country.  Yes, it was the inter-kingdom and inter-regional language of India.
The manner in which British Rulers plucked out Sanskrit from the midst of our people and thrust their English was a governing policy, to entrench themselves in our land.
Mandarin, which is their common language, is the main strength of unity among the people of China, which has a population more than India’s.
We are happy that we have imbibed English language so well.  But we cannot agree to let our own Sanskrit, the backbone of our culture and traditions, be dislodged from amongst us.
Sanskrit language is rich in words, expressions, ideas, view points, subtle meanings, scientific outlook and in such other aspects.
Any language can survive long only if its constituents and core are preserved carefully. We should have extreme alacrity in preserving the clarity of pronunciation, the rules of conjuncting words and letters, care and attention in choice of words, attention to formation of sentences, above all adherence to grammar. 
Teachers of language and the audio-visual media must pay particular attention to this.
Our debt to Sanskrit language and Sanskrit culture, will be repaid only when we are able to build a cultural city somewhere in India, with all modern amenities, where at least about two lakhs of people who speak Sanskrit and communicate in Sanskrit in the country can live together and conduct their affairs in Sanskrit, and thus re-establish Sanskrit as the official language there!
Children, there, will learn Sanskrit in a natural way as their mother-tongue. In due course a Sanskrit University should materialize there.
People there should be able to study ancient Sanskrit texts and also produce contemporary Sanskrit Literature, Poetry, Dramas and hold competitions that will draw worldwide attention. The contemplated City of Sanskrit should be built and developed facilitating these objectives.
If the lovers of Sanskrit and the Government of India begin to contemplate on these lines, that would be the greatest tribute to their cultural patriotism and allegiance.

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